Cleanout Drive Upgrade Information

  • This improved product for coal feeders eliminates annoying maintenance issues and helps to improve equipment reliability and dependability.

    MERRICK combines its expertise in dynamic weighing and feeding with its experience in coal handling technology. The result is a line of replacement parts and product upgrades for coal feed systems.

    Original design cleanout drives often require maintenance of the gearbox, attention to leaks, and other chores that affect operations.

    The Cleanout Drive Upgrade eliminates the obsolete leaky gear motor and gearbox and replaces the torque limiter clutch with an electronic shear pin.

    The MERRICK Cleanout Drive Upgrade reduces the need for maintenance and improves the reliability of operation.

    • Eliminates Oil Leaks
    • Electronic Shear Pin Provides Improved Protection Against Feeder Overload
    • Easily Installed with Virtually No Modifications
  • For Spare parts for this model and more click here

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